In order to maximize on-ice time for everyone, we have been able to go with two groups instead of three and give everyone more ice time for this year’s Summer Camp. Please note the time changes below:
Squirts & Pee-Wees: 10U– 2009, 2008, 12U– 2007, 2006
-M,Tu,Th,Fr 5:30-7:15pm all on ice, Wed 6:15pm-8:00pm all on ice
Bantam: 14U– 2005, 2004 AND
High School/ Midget: 16U– 2003, 2002, 18U– 2001, 2000
– M,Tu,Th,Fr 7:30-9:30pm all on ice, Wed 8:15pm-10:05pm-all on ice
Please note the time changes ABOVE.
WELCOMe to the 2018 Academy Hockey Club Summer Skills Camp Registration!
June 25-29, 2018 at South Metro Sports
Due to some great fundraising efforts, the 2018 cost is the same as last year!
Squirts & Pee-Wees U-10, U-12- M,Tu,Th,Fr 5:30-6:20pm on ice, with off ice until 7:30pm (Wed 6:15pm-7:05pm on ice, off ice until 8pm)- $150 ($165 after June 10)
Bantam U-14- M,Tu,Th,Fr 6:30-7:50pm on ice, Wed 7:15pm-8:35pm- $175 ($190 after June 10)
High School (Midget)U-16, U-18- M,Tu,Th,Fr 8:00-9:30pm on ice, Wed 8:45pm-10:05pm- $175 ($190 after June 10)